In Person Testing

Qest4 Bioenergetic ScansBioenergetic testing aims to restore the body's energetic field and give your body natural ability to restore and adapt on its own when faced with internal and external stressors. Bioenergetic testing is not a diagnostic tool, but rather addresses the energetic imbalances a person may be experiencing.

pH Balance TestingpH testing is the measurement of transit time of digestion or speed of digestion. Being more acidic or more alkaline is not good for the body. pH needs to be balanced. 

RBTI TestingRBTI testing is a non-invasive 7-part test using fresh samples of urine and saliva. The analysis explains our body's internal terrain. pH is the core of the RBTI test because it indicates digestive health and overall liver and kidney function.

Remote Testing

Qest4 Remote Testing KitThis kit includes a 60 minute consult with a bio-energetic testing practitioner. Bioenergetic testing aims to restore the body's energetic field and give your body natural ability to restore and adapt on its own when faced with internal and external stressors. Bioenergetic testing is not a diagnostic tool, but rather addresses the energetic imbalances a person may be experiencing.

Once you place order, we will ship you the testing kit. 

Step 1: Collect Samples. Fill out appraisal forms and disclaimers included in test kit.

Step 2: Return Bio Test Kit with enclosed paid shipping label.

Step 3: We will contact you to set up consultation to go over results.